Our extensive experience working in the market data industry makes TCB Data Systems an obvious choice for helping you navigate through the intricacies of billing and reporting for market data product consumption.
We can help you manage your vendor reports and bill for your data product consumption. We can help you sort through the various data providers reporting requirements. We have seen it all before and can help you speed through the discovery process.
Our developers have created numerous customized applications for our clients. The scope of these applications range from customer management & billing systems, to interfaces to internal databases, to turn-key web systems.
Highlights of the systems developed for our clients include:
- Contract and Prior Approval System. Contracts and exhibits are entered and managed on-line using a sophisticated web-based application.
- Web-Based Invoicing. End-user customers receiving Network-B data can view, print, or download their invoice detail via the web.
- Data Product Sales Site. Non-regulated data products can be purchased on-line via credit card, or invoiced. Automated nightly updates keeps the data up to date.
- Market Data Analytics System. A sophisticated data mining system used by a large European exchange to identify trends in their customer data product consumption.